Friday, August 7, 2009

Another Beautiful Day

Today looks like a beautiful day. It's bright and sunny, not too hot, a light breeze; perfect summer weather.

I'm feeling a little blue today. The email exchange I had with Nam yesterday was on my mind all night. It brought out so many emotions, not all good ones either. I don't understand where she's coming from anymore and I really don't understand why she refuses to talk it out face to face. I asked her not to email me anymore until she's ready for that, but I'm not so sure if it will ever happen.

I'm also bumming because the girl who I've become really close to over the last month (the one in my poem) has been in a relationship with someone for a while. Our connection is deep and has her confused and she's decided to take two weeks to try to figure out what is going to happen with him. Out of respect, I'm staying out of the picture until she's sure about what she wants. It sucks for me because we were sharing everything with each other and were both getting a lot out of it. Now I've got nobody but my buddies to talk to.... and my shrink.

I did make a new connection this week with someone who was suggested to me as an Italian language conversation partner. To be honest, there hasn't been much conversation, but that's not necessarily a bad thing ;) As my friend Maurizio put it, "she's teaching you the REAL language of Italy" lol.

I need to crank out another chart for the Sept show. I'm going down the 呂方 set in order so the next one is 養你一世. After that I need to get some road miles in. My speed is getting back up to where I like it but my stamina isn't quite there yet. Then I'm meeting Anna for lunch, it's her birthday so I'm going to take her somewhere special, then who knows......

1 comment:

Cranky's Wife said...

you can always talk to me too