Thursday, November 27, 2008

Shanghaied on Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone and no, this is not the world's smallest turkey, it's a pidgeon and we ate it, the whole tiny thing head and all, well just the back of the skull and the brain. I know that I've only been here one day, but I already love Shanghai! It's the only city other than New York where I know I could be happy living. The food is incredible, the people are friendly, and the city is vibrant, modern and majestic. My chinese is getting better every day; I can get around in a cab or a restsurant with confidence. The next two weeks are really going to be great!!!!


Capt. Fogg said...

And a happy Thanksgiving to you - I wish you were here and that I were there. :-)>

Jane & Steve said...

Happy Thanksgivng back to you! Amy's first turkey was delicious and fortunately much bigger than your two little birds.

pete said...

things to be thankful for... that you only ate the back of the skull and not the entire skull! missed you on thanksgiving, maybe we'll see you around christmas. sounds like tae might be in connecticut through christmas...