Friday, November 21, 2008

silk market

sorry this picture is not so great; the camera in this phone is not very good.
Yesterday (Friday) we took a cab to another kaoya dian (duck restaurant) in the far NE part of town that has the reputation for being the best in Beijing. Along the way, the driver and I started talking a bit and we negotiated a ride to the great wall for today. The restaurant itself was a crazy experience, nobody spoke a word of English and my mandarin proved inadaquite for the first time. I managed to order the food, but the waitress kept asking me questions that I couldn't understand and would then turn to nam expecting her to translate. The food itself was really good, but we both got the feeling that the staff thought we were a bit stupid. After the meal we walked a bit; if you ever have to cross the street in Beijing, be really careful. Drivers here are not required to stop or even slow down when turning right at a red light, it's more like a merge.... We got in another cab and went to the silk market which is a four or five story indoor clothing market filled with vendors selling clothing of different varieties. Nam bought a nice coat that I bargained down from 1500rmb to 260rmb (about $38), so I felt like I redeemed myself a bit here after my linguistic disaster at the restaurant. It was dark out when we left the market, we jumped in another cab (cabs are very cheap here) and headed back to the hotel.

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