Tuesday, September 29, 2009


In Venice they drink Campari & prosecco over ice and call it a "spritz" which sounds Yiddish to me lol. I left my map at the hotel so i decided to have aperitivo nearby. I'm at Taverna L'Olandese Dolante which is close to the hotel but there's still a chance of getting lost in this place. There are no straight streets, really no streets at all just bridges and narrow passageways that open up into piazzi and campi. Also everything change names randomly. There are also no cars or scooters or even bicycles here which makes it distinctively different than every other place i've been in Italy.

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1 comment:

Capt. Fogg said...

Spritz (venezianisch Spriz, Spriss oder Sprisseto) ist ein Getränk, das in Venedig und im Veneto, im Friaul und in Südtirol sehr beliebt ist.