Saturday, January 10, 2009

a funny thing happened on the way to the garbage chute

i must have made 10 trips down to our storage space this afternoon. We bought a steel shelving unit for it so we could finally organize the second bedroom closet which has been full of boxes since we moved in. So around 7:15 I decide I'm done for the day but before I make myself a self-congratulatory drink for a good day's work, I decide to make one last trip to the garbage chute in the hallway to take out some remaining trash. I'm 3 feet from the door as i hear it close behind me. I instinctively reach down to make sure I have my keys with me. Guess what .... So now I'm at Loki (the corner bar) waiting for Nam to get back from an audition and rescue me. Oh well.... Could be a lot worse. :)


Capt. Fogg said...

From lockout to Loki - there's a certain poetic inevitability to it, hao bu hao?

Taking out garbage,
Home is no longer refuge.
There's only Ketel One.

davegeist said...

Poetic indeed! 我不錯